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xdm trouble

In article <debian-user.xxrbtznbvmx.fsf@yrsa.ifi.uio.no>, you wrote:
> I upgraded some packages to unstable yesterday, and now xdm
> dies, restarts, dies, restarts, dies, ... so I can't log on
> to fix it (I probably removed the old libX, while xdm is still
> linked to it!). Is it possible to disable xdm from lilo, or boot
> in any other way, so this doesn't happen? (I don't have rescues,
> so if it's impossible I'll just install a minimum debian on a spare
> partition, and fix it from there...)

You should be able to login on a different virtual console and fix the
problem from there (try hitting control-alt-F1).  That might not work,
though, if xdm keeps on switching to X on restart.  If this doesn't work
you can try booting with the option 'single' to lilo, or 'init=/bin/sh'
if that fails.  They should let you login without xdm (or anything...)
trying to run.

Good luck.

Aaron Denney

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