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Re: Date in mail headers

On 04-Sep-97 Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>       The RFC???? are all the rules that actually apply to the
> internet. And if we all start ignoring the rules, the cooperative
> process that is the internet (and, indeed, Linux itself is the
> product of a similar cooperative process). 
>       If you must have a change, and you do not think that the
> current internationalization effort is not doing enough, use a Header
> like X-Time and fill it anyway you wish; at least automata that
> expects standard headers to bve standards conformant does not break.

   The RFC are Request For Comments, and not rules.  And to be perfectly
sincere, there are only limited amount guidence taken from them in the
corporate world.  Maybe because they never fully address the need of
the Internet :-)

  There is no Debate... the question rose as somebody complained about his
server software breaking on my mail... and I guessed it was because of my
Date field being a quoted printable inside a header field.  This is
a standard, period.  However, I did start my mail client in the "C" locale,
that ensures that the Date was written in "C" locale... but I was still "kicked"
out of the list for it... so, I don't think the problem has anything to do with
my 'Date' field, do you? :-) So, I'll just have it the way I see fit ;-)

  There are still some 7-bit servers out there (and minds ;-)... I'm not going
to, neither now nor in future to comply in making my software 7-bits just for
those servers, they'll just have to break, until the administrators find it with
in their time to comply to evolution.  These servers are out-dated by 50
years.  :-)

...Just me

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