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Re: Date in mail headers

Jason Gunthorpe writes:
> On 8859 xxx 2001, Orn E. Hansen wrote:
>> On 02-Sep-97 Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

>>> Orn, your mailer is formatting dates in a way that pine doesn't understand

>> HDate: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Mi=F0,?= 03 Sep 1997 19:14:09 +0200 (CET DST)

> I noticed that, why is your mailer putting such an unusual date, is that
> specified in the various mail RFCs?

RFC822 would be the appropriate one here, and it does impose some
restrictions regarding what can and cannot be a date header:


     5.1.  SYNTAX

     date-time   =  [ day "," ] date time        ; dd mm yy
                                                 ;  hh:mm:ss zzz

     day         =  "Mon"  / "Tue" /  "Wed"  / "Thu"
                 /  "Fri"  / "Sat" /  "Sun"

So it certainly looks like Orn needs to fix his mailer.

Olaf Weber

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