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Re: Problem with floppy install


I've seen this error once but I'm not sure exactly what caused it. The
hard drive had been partitioned in the following way (roughly):

/dev/sda1        /boot    (20MB)
/dev/sda2        /        (~700MB)
/dev/sda3        swap     (whatever was left)

where the /boot directory was specifically designed as a place to put the
kernel. Linux didn't like this for some reason and gave the error you
mentioned when it was time to install the kernel. Perhaps the partition
was too small? In any event, there were two ways to get around it that I
know of. 

1) The temporary fix is to give the kernel the boot-line argument
"ramdisk0". This seemed to work OK. I think you can find this and other
boot-line arguments in the boot-prompt HOWTO. 

2) The permanent fix (which will only work if your problem is the same as
mine was, ie, you have a small beginning partition serving as a vmlinuz
repository) is to repartition your drive so as to put the kernel in "/"
along with everything else. The resulting table looks like:

/dev/sda1       /     (720 MB)
/dev/sda2       swap  (the rest)

I hope this helps some...good luck.

J. Goldman

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