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Re: domain name resolution

On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Mark Stone wrote:

> I've just done my first Debian installation, after having used Slackware
> for a couple of years, and I've got my ppp connection working. My next
> challenge is to get domain name resolution working properly so I can
> navigate by something other than IP number.
> My IP number is assigned dynamically by my ISP. In Slackware, configuring
> domain name resolution is a matter of having my ISP's machine listed in
> etc/hosts, and having the IP number of my ISP's name server listed as a
> name server in /etc/resolv.conf. 

	That's the place for the setver to be.  My file is like so:

search seitz.com

	You also have to have a hosts.conf with something like:

order hosts,bind
multi on

	If the "bind" is not in there then the system will never make the
call do name resolution.  This tells it to look in the hosts file then
make a call to bind.

>In Debian, however, the resolv.conf file
> does not appear to be present, and adding it does not appear to help.
> Where does Debian look for a name server for a dynamically assigned PPP
> connection?
> Mark Stone
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