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Re: network monitoring program

On %M %N, Paul Miller wrote
> I'm looking for a program that will log when the network goes down and
> possiblely create a summary file.

You should look at SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol.  

[from Linux Journal June 1997]
Network Management & Monitoring with Linux,

	One of the most popular SNMP packages is CMU-SNMP.  Originally
designed by Carnegie Mellon University, it has been ported to Linux by
Juergen Schoenwaelder and Erik Schoenfelder.  It's fully complient
with the SNMPv1 standard and includes some of the new proposed
functinalities of SNMPv2.

PERL 5 module extension for CMU-SNMP:

MRTG: Multi Router Traffic Grapher, ...graphically represents the data
SNMP agents brings to SNMP managers.  It generates nice HTML pages
with GIF graphics about inbound and outbound traffic in network
interfaces in almost real time.
GD Graphic Library(required by MRTG)
Router Stats:
SNMP Network Management Software
scotty for Linux

		|      David Fries                |
		|      dfries@mail.win.org        |

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