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Re: fsck from cron?

In message <[🔎] 199708272013.WAA00791@zanzy.shqn.pc.it>, writes:
  >... I was wondering if/how was possible to do some kind of
  >scheduled-fsck checks for those machines that never reboot (well, almost nev
  >something done weekly, monthly .. That would not eliminate fs errors (I have
  >never seen fs errors on a linux box in 4 years), but would catch them early 
  >on a regular base.
  >I think this can be quite tricky, since when you check / you have nothing to
  >write to (no mail/log file), and I'm not so sure what the best check order
  >would be (check / first, check it last), and I don't know if cron can be run
  >on a system in that state.
You can run 'fsck -f -n.  This will (according to the man page) do nothing to
the file system, but should let you know if there are any  problems requiring

Because it should not change the filesystem, it would be a suitable command
to run from cron.

I can't help you on the other problem (strange error messages).
Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                                  http://lfix.co.uk/oliver

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