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Debian 1.3 / Adaptec 284x VLB - problem

I am trying to install debian 1.3 om my pc:
ALI motherboard
Phoenix BIOS 4.03
I486 DX4 - 100MhZ
Adaptec 2840A / 42A

I am having trouble. Booting the rescuedisk at boot prompt I write:

boot: linux aic7xxx=no_reset

loading the kernel the computer writes:

(aic7xxx): Encoutered spurious interrupt
scsi0: Adaptec AHA274x/284x/294x (EISA/VLB/PCI-fast SCSI)
scsi: 1 host.
scsi0: Scanning channel A for devices
scsi: Aborting command due to timeout: pid 0, id 0, lun 0, Test Unit
Ready 00 00 00 00 00
aic7xxx: (abort) Aborting scb 0, TCL 0/0/0
scsi: Aborting command due to timeout: pid 0, id 0, lun 0, Test Unit
Ready 00 00 00 00 00
aic7xxx: (abort) Aborting scb 0, TCL 0/0/0
SCSI host 0 abort (pid 0) timed out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.
aic7xxx: (reset) target/channel 0/0
aic7xxx: (abort_reset) scb state 0x1, while idle, LASTPHASE = 0xff,
aic7xxx: (reset_device) target/channel -1/A, active_scb 0
aic7xxx: (match_scb) target/channel -1/A to scb 0/A
aic7xxx: (match_scb) target/channel -1/A to scb 0/A
aic7xxx: (reset_channel) Resetting current channel A
aic7xxx: (done_aborted_scbs) Aborting scb 0, TCL=0/0/0
scsi0: BRKADRINT error (0x1)
   Illegal Host Access
Kernel panic: scsi0: BRKADRINT, error 0x1, seqaddr 0x0

In swapper task - not syncing

I am having no trouble whatsoever booting the currently installes DOS
5.0 on the harddisk. Everything seems to work perfectly, the SCSI bus is
terminated correctly.

What should I do?

*   Benjamin Owe            | E-mail: bdco@delta.dk                 *
*   Delta IC Design         | Phone:                                *
*   Venlighedsvej 4         |   General: (+45) 4286 7722            *
*   DK-2970 Hoersholm       |   Direct:  (+45) 4576 7622 - ext. 390 *
*   DENMARK                 | Fax: (+45) 4286 5898                  *

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