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Re: Looking for rpc.bootparamd

On Mon, 25 Aug 1997, Oliver Elphick wrote:

> In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.970824210930.18953A-100000@tippy.shitdamn.org>, write
> s:
>   >Howdy!
>   >
>   >     I'm a recent convert to Debian, and it looks like I'm only missing 
>   >     one package to make this installation complete.  I need to find
>   >     rpc.bootparamd.  I've attempted to look through the various pkgs
>   >     available in stable/non-free/contrib, but I can't find anything 
>   >     that looks promising.
>   >
>   >     So, this spawns two questions:
>   >
>   >     1)  What package do I need to grab to get rpc.bootparamd?
> netstd

That doesn't appear to be true with the netstd package that I retrieved
when I installed 1.3.1.  dpkg -L netstd doesn't show any signs of 
rpc.bootparamd.  Just so we're on the same page, I've got netstd-2.13-1
installed here, and I've not seen a message from dselect saying that a 
newer version is available.  
>   >
>   >     2)  Is it possible to get dselect to show the files that are
>   >         contained within a package? (I flipped through the three
>   >         information "choices", but none showed files contained)
>   >
> Not with dselect.  From a command line, use dpkg -S, thus:
> $ dpkg -S rpc.bootparamd
> netstd: /usr/man/man8/rpc.bootparamd.8.gz
> netstd: /usr/sbin/rpc.bootparamd

Actually, what I was hoping for was an information screen which would show
the contents of the highlighted package _which isn't installed yet_.  

In this case, I knew the executable that I needed, but didn't have a clue
which package I needed to grab in order to get that executable.  This is a
bit of a frustrating situation as you're basically forced to try and guess
which package might contain the file you want (ie: thinking logically, 
netboot or nfsroot might both possibly contain that file -- download both
and you've wasted 600k of transfers because neither one of them are 

Now, I realize that complete contents lists for each package, contained in
the Packages.stable/Packages.contrib/etc would increase their sizes by
huge amounts, and I'm not advocating that a change to include them occur.
Just trying to extract a little more wisdom out of longer-term Debian
users than myself as to whether what I was trying to accomplish (finding
the package which contained rpc.bootparamd) could have been done more 
easily than jumping on IRC and asking around.

Despite all this, I've yet to find the appropriate package.  I've since 
jumped over to sunsite and grabbed the NetKit-rpc.bootparamd package from
there and I'm just installing it by hand.

	--Steve Philp

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