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Re: Expelling David Cinege from the list

On Aug 22, Dave Cinege wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:19:59 -0800 (AKDT), Britton wrote:
> >2.  Changing the version numbering is bad.
> >
> >He's right about this.  There was no reason to do it, and it looks like a
> >pacification move toward vendors that functions by decieving (or at least
> >misleading) end users.  This is in direct conflict with Debian's official
> >policy of 'not hiding problems'.  At least one CD vendor has already
> >agreed with him on this in this thread.

Nothing will be hidden. The revisions are changed within *minor* bug fixes.
The point numbers are changed within *major* changes. So the new numbering
scheme helps to indicate what sort of changes were made.

> It's not just that. I really do like the x.x.x way of numbering. It's linux-centric and 
> IMHO the right way to do it. But I can live with something else. What I can not deal 
> with is making modifications to a frozen revision, and not changing the rev number.
> (especially just to make some CD maker happy)
> This has been my (violent) argument over the last few days. I think most people 
> have been missing it, and think I'm just going crazy because it's going to be called 
> 1.3 R2 instead of 1.3.2. This is not the case.

But if you write this, then please say that it was clarified as a *mistake*
by the persons who did this. Please stop to imply that this was done with
the goal to hide changes. It was a mistake, made by volunteers that have a
lot of work and do this in their spare time. You had your point, the
responsible persons got it, and I saw several messages stating that this bug
will be fixed in time.

Still not satisfied? My backlog of this thread is far over 500kByte by


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