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Re: Debian only like larger businesses


On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Paul Wade wrote:

> It's time to face the music. Your Official CD program will not work. After
> all, if I press 2000 sets tomorrow will you hold the release numbers for
> another month? Do you have to check in with multiple vendors and get their
> 'blessing' before 1.3.next is released? If you keep this up, another
> Debian group will emerge and it will all become very counter-productive.

The official CD worked for me, it helped me FINALLY get a CD from a vendor
that actually worked the first time around, unlike the last two mistakes
from InfoMagic.  In fact, now I have 2 of them, the 1.3.0 one from LSL,
and the 1.3.1 one from CheapBytes.  If you want to start a different
Debian-based group and engineer the releases your way, GO AHEAD!

I think I echo the sentiment of most of the developers when I say that I'm
sick of someone who hasn't put an ounce of work into adding anything into
Debian complaining about something this minor.  There is nothing stopping
you from making an updated CD, the tools even exist to merge all of
bo-updates into the main tree and generate new package files.  Do that if
you wish, but in any case, GO AWAY!

- -- 
                           |        In order to live freely and happily,
      Scott K. Ellis       |             you must sacrifice boredom.
      storm@gate.net       |         It is not always an easy sacrifice.
                           |                    -- Illusions

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