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Re: Show me the money Re: Donations to Debian

> The purpose  behind the official incorporation for Debian is still
> beyand me, and the more I think about it I don't like it.  The
> project (like linux) has always been for freeholders all over the
> world. Why the US government suddenly has to get involded, I have
> no idea. Why does Debian need to be an artificial US government
> privedged entiy? It's our OS. We collectivly own it. Why do we
> suddenly need permission from someone to exists I'm sure some of
> the other anarchists here are also wondering about these things....

The government has always been involved.  In general though, it is
state law, not federal, that controls, and (if I remember correctly)
most states impose personal liability (as in they come and take away
your house and car) for unorganized groups such as Debian was.  The
personal liability would not have stopped at Bruce either, and
theoretically could have extend to those who whine about version
numbers. ;-)

Now for your anarchist side, when governments become overbearing they
tend to nationalize -- meaning they take property away from
corporations (and other private organizations or individuals) for the
supposed general welfare.  So, it is not difficult to see that
freedom from intrusive government does not necessarily imply fewer
corporations.  As a matter of fact, strong and health corporations
arguably contribute as much to your personal autonomy as any other
single factor.

Paul Serice

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