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Re: Debian Version Numbers Was: Is this the Debian Philosophy? (or.... $#@!@#$ bash 2.0!)

On Wed, 20 Aug 97 12:52 PDT, Bruce Perens wrote:

>> How about a longer explanation on the list? I'm _SURE_ that _MANY_
>> inquiring minds would like to know.
>So, we want to make it clear that our CD, even if it is a revision or two
>behind, is still _current_ product in that you can easily hit our FTP site
>and update it to the latest and greatest. We are separating the release
>number from the revision number to emphasize this fact.

Bruce, please don't do this. Thangs are already slacking in that bug fixes and updates have been 
made to 1.3.1 without and change in the minor number. Every version number should be frozen 
soild, even if it means we go all the way up to 1.3.199. 

This Microsoft style of reving, will kill the distribution. People are going to by a cd with a bug and 
forever be biased against a whole version of Debian. You're following the money and that is a bad 
thing. You should not be worried about getting Debian into the stores. You should be concerned 
about making the best product you can.

I don't consider this a minor issue. The name itself I don't care about, it's our current version 
control system that's at stake. I don't think you should be making this desision (or should I say the 
larger CD makers making it for you) on you're own because it affects the entire way Debian 
releases and updates will be handled in the future. 

I'd like to see Debian.org get out of the CD business entirly. I'd also like to see all monitary 
contributions stop. I don't want to deal with an orginazation...I want to deal with the people that 
make the product.  I should also mention I haven't heard a one of the CD-R makers ask for this.

If it says 1.3 or 1.3.1 or whatever,  at any time with any copy I should be able to do a crc check 
against what is in the master ftp server under that rev, and have it come up clean.
End of story. 
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