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Re: Debian Version Numbers - My rant on this

On Tue, 19 Aug 97 12:35 PDT, Bruce Perens wrote:
>> So I am running Debian version 1.3 - and yet the CD says Debian 1.3.1 .
>Oops. My fault. The reason for two numbers is mostly marketing. I know
>that marketing is anathema to most of us, but someone's gotta do it and
>I'm afraid the task fell on me. Feel free to call me up if you need a
>longer explanation.

Phooey! I like the naming scheme, and the system for updates. When I am using something 
Debian I want to know if it is 1.3.0 or 1.3.1, not 1.3 Rev-Guesswhatchangeswe'vemadewiththisrun.
(debian_version should also reflect this)

Be a man among men! Trend set! A third rev number is the *RIGHT* way to do things. 
It is a linux-centric way to do things. Isn't the linux ethic about engineers making the product 
THEY want? (Not some marketing suit!) People use linux because of *the product* not because of 
a psycedelic world peace mind screw tv commercial. (Bring any companies to mind?)
Debian is also being accepted because of the product....alot of people have never even used CD's.
Those of us that have probably started out with a CD-R with 'deb' scribbled across the front in 
black marker.

My vote is to keep it as it is and be proud of it. Screw the cd makers if they don't like it. What they 
really want is to be able to hide the subversions from people. If they want to do it, fine, just don't 
ask us to change our entire functional naming system.

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