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Re: dselect woes

On Tue, 19 Aug 1997, Alfonso E. Urdaneta wrote:

> I'm trying to use dselect to no avail.  First I tried to tell dselect to
> read the cdrom.
> So I type "insmod /dev/cdrom"
> <<
> /dev/cdrom: /dev/cdrom: No such device
> >>

You should get your cdrom recognized.  What kind of cdrom do you have?  If
it's IDE, things will be fairly easy.  Also, what controller is the cdrom
on? (I'm assuming that it is an IDE cdrom, and I'm asking if it is
connected to the same cable as your primary IDE hard drive, or if it is on
it's own cable).  Also, what is your basic hardware configuration?



Syrus Nemat-Nasser <syrus@ucsd.edu>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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