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Help: My ISDN dial-in is not working

Hi there,

I'm trying to get my ISDN working.
I already have my card recognized in Linux, also
the ISDN utilities are working.
So no I want to dial in to my provider.

I checked some URL's for help on ISDN4linux:


So I did excactly what was in there:

- I configured the kernal whith the following options:
    Code maturity level options:
    Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers: No
    Section General Setup:
    Networking support: Yes
    Networking Options:
    TCP/IP Networking: Yes
    Network device support: Yes
    PPP support: Yes
    ISDN Subsystem:
    ISDN support: Yes
    Support synchronous PPP: Yes
    Use VJ compression with synchronous PPP: Yes
    Support audio via ISDN: Yes
    Support generic MP (RFC 1717): Yes
    And I selected my Teles card for support.

- I used the following script for ISDN start-up:

    #read MY_HOSTNAME </etc/hostname

    /sbin/isdnctrl verbose 0
    /sbin/isdnctrl addif   ippp0
    /sbin/isdnctrl pppbind   ippp0 0
    /sbin/isdnctrl addphone  ippp0 out $PHONE
    /sbin/isdnctrl addphone  ippp0 in $MYPHONE
    /sbin/isdnctrl eaz  ippp0 $MY_EAZ
    /sbin/isdnctrl huptimeout  ippp0 $HUPTIMEOUT
    /sbin/isdnctrl secure  ippp0 on
    /sbin/isdnctrl l2_prot  ippp0 hdlc
    /sbin/isdnctrl l3_prot  ippp0 trans
    /sbin/isdnctrl encap  ippp0 syncppp
    /sbin/ifconfig ippp0 $MY_HOSTNAME pointopoint $IP_ADDRESS metric 1
    /sbin/route add default ippp0
    /sbin/ipppd /dev/ippp0 file $OPTIONS_FILE &
    /sbin/route del default
    ifconfig ippp0 down

- I use the following script to dialin:
    case $1 in
         /sbin/isdnctrl dial ippp0
         sleep 5
         route add default ippp0
         /sbin/isdnctrl hangup ippp0
         route del default
         echo -e "\a Usage: 'isdn on' or 'isdn off'"

- When I dial in, the syslog generates the following output:
    Aug  6 14:27:31 zeus login: ROOT LOGIN ON tty1
    Aug  6 14:27:38 zeus kernel: isdn: Verbose-Level is 0
    Aug  6 14:27:38 zeus syslog: Found 1 devices: /dev/ippp0,
    Aug  6 14:27:38 zeus pppd[381]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
    Aug  6 14:27:38 zeus pppd[381]: init_unit: 0
    Aug  6 14:27:38 zeus pppd[381]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 8
    Aug  6 14:27:43 zeus kernel: ippp0: dialing 0 0206241968...
    Aug  6 14:27:45 zeus kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected
    Aug  6 14:27:45 zeus pppd[381]: PHASE_WAIT -> PHASE_ESTABLISHED,
ifunit: 0, linkunit: 0, fd: 8
    Aug  6 14:27:46 zeus kernel: hscx_empty_fifo: incoming packet too
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus last message repeated 481 times
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus kernel: ippp0: remote hangup
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus pppd[381]: Modem hangup
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus pppd[381]: Connection terminated.
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus pppd[381]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0,
linkunit: 0
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus pppd[381]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus pppd[381]: reinit_unit: 0
    Aug  6 14:27:48 zeus pppd[381]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 8

    The hscx_empty_fifo messages are repeated very much, what is this
and what can I do about it.

 - I think maybe my chap-secrets-file is not configured right or the
options for ippd are nog configured right,
    who can give me some examples ?! And who knows the answer to my

- Anyway ISDN IS working under Windows NT with the same configuration of

the IRQ (9) and port settings (0xd80h) and protocol EDSS1

Thanks in advance,
Tom de Grunt
The Netherlands

Please mail me: tghgrunt@doge.nl

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