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Re: heard all the who-haha?

Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:

> Dear shellutils maintainer,
> Debian 1.3.1 sports a who which many are saying is "slow" while others
> are saying the slowness is due to slow named servers. Were there
> any notable changes leading up the the /usr/bin/who which came with
> shellutils 1.16-2?

The current version of "who", sh-utils 1.16, attempts to look up the
names of hosts which users are using to connect from.  So if your named
is slow, who will be slow as well.

This behavior is really annoying for dial-up users, because if named is
not available (or can't look up anything), who will take forever to time

I have just come back from vacation, and will look at adding a
--no-lookup flag to disable this behavior.


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