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program fails on debian, runs on redhat

I am testing the new database library from SleepyCat Software, available
at http://www.sleepycat.com/packages/db-2.2.6.tar.gz
which provides routines found in libdb-1.85, plus locking and

I have built the test program (dbtest) and run it with the deadlocking
tests, and my redhat 4.2 system is running the test fine. My Debian box
reports a failure with this test.

I am looking at differences in my libraries but so far have not found

Can anyone provides some ideas? I would like to communicate with anyone
who tries to run these tests with this software.

My Debian box is 1.3.1 


Walter L. Preuninger II                        waldo @ irc.wasteland.org:#unix
walterp@rapidramp.com                         http://www.rapidramp.com/~walterp

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