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Re: /etc/crontab.daily and the security hole in find | xargs

"Scott K. Ellis" <storm@gate.net> writes:


> The only solution is to come up with a program that
> never follows syslinks, and checks that the i-node of the file it is
> removing remains the same.

Actually, i-nodes can be recycled, so it isn't a good idea to depend
on that:

% cd /tmp
% touch foo
% ls -li foo
     14 -rw-rw-r--   1 carey    carey           0 Aug  9 17:47 foo
% rm foo
% touch foo
% ls -li foo
     14 -rw-rw-r--   1 carey    carey           0 Aug  9 17:48 foo

If a program will be creating a file (like /tmp/.X0-lock) but
another creates and deletes a file in the same file system just before
this, it will probably have the same i-node.

		Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

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  CP/M on the largest microcomputers (e.g. those based on 68000...)"

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