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3com 3c503 jumper settings for shared memory

I don't remember who (or even if it was someone in *this* list) who
asked about this, but here's the info about 3com 3c503 jumper settings
so you can rejumper your card for shared memory operation.

Actually, it looks like the info you need is printed on the board.
There are two blocks of jumpers. One's a set of 8, and is used to set
the IO base address, and should say 2e0,2a0,280,250,350,330,310,300
and the other set's the memory base address for shared memory and should
be labeled disable,c8000,cc000,d8000,dc000 (five jumper positions).
Just set the memory jumper to one of the available addresses (as long
as it doesn't conflict with the shared mem for some other device), and
off you go!

Jens B. Jorgensen

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