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Re: Migrating from Slackware to Debian?


>>>>> "Kevin" == Kevin Buhr <buhr@stat.wisc.edu> writes:

Kevin> Upgrading a Slackware system to anything (including a newer
Kevin> Slackware system) is always "absolute madness", IMHO.

Quite.  The Slackware package system is very hands-off after you
install the initial packages; I always ended up getting stuff from
prep.ai.mit.edu and installing it myself, which was always a lot of
fun.  I don't think I ever got the uninstall option to work.  Matter
of fact, managing a Slackware system at all was always a lot of fun;
at some point, I had to recompile XFree86.

OTOH, I got an immense amount of Unix experience through it.  I even
brought my system through the a.out->ELF stage without nuking and
rebooting.  I would've killed for stow, though.  (Thanks to whomever
packaged it, BTW; helps me out a bunch in my /usr/local...).

When I went to Debian, I backed up my /home directories, nuked the
partition, and installed from scratch.  There's really no better way
to do it.
- -- 
Graham Hughes <ghughes@cs.ucsb.edu>	MIME OK, PGP preferred
 "One thing they don't tell you about doing experimental physics is
  that sometimes you must work under adverse conditions ... like a state
  of sheer terror."  - W. K. Hartmann

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