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Aug 4 21:54:00 carlf modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5

Trying to make a PPP connection to AT&T's Worldnet service, I have
created a script that will dial.  The modem connection is made, but
ifconfig never reports a ppp0 route.

The daemon.log file reports missing modules, alternating between
net-pf-5 and net-pf-5, a message that on cursory examination only
occurs when trying to reach Worldnet.

Since my main ISP, Panix, doesn't use CHAP and Worldnet does, I'm
assuming this module is needed for CHAP . . . but it's not mentioned
in dselect, so I don't know what to install to make it available.  Did
I miss something when I compiled my custom kernel?

And why would the name alternate, anyway?  And shouldn't a failure to
CHAP authenticate be *reported*, rather than silent?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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