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smail configuration?

I am trying to configure smail.  I have read the documentation,
searched the source code for an hour or so, and tried to use the
generic configuration script at different settings.

I have been at this for several days -- my mail is still bouncing.

I am on a system which does not have a permanent connection, rather it
has a dynamic IP through Penn State.

When the mail bounces, it comes back with a message to the effect that
the hostname in question does not exist.  This is true of course,
since it is the hostname of the local system, which is a dial up dynamic
IP thing.

When using the debian "configure smail" script, there are 5 or so
options.  The UUCP to smarthost seems to be the closest, except that
instead of UUCP I want to use smtp.  Unfortunately, there is not an
option like this, and although I have tried to modify that setup to
do the job, it seems to do about the same.

Some hosts bounce, some do not -- I assume hosts that are trying to
prevent spam etc are bouncing more than those that aren't.

People have to be using it this way... what is the trick?  It shouldn't
make any difference, but I am using (mh).

Kevin Bealer

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