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Gimp compiled w. libc5

Hi, everybody --

I just compiled and installed non-debianized Gimp-0.99.10 program.
Installation went without any problems, everything is tucked under
/usr/local tree and it is working. However, my /usr/local/bin/gimp file
is (I think) too big -4.8Mb almost. I ran ./configure script as is in
the original tarred sources, with options --with-libtiff=/usr/lib
--with-libjpeg=/usr/lib. I'm running Debian 1.3 w. 2.0.30 kernel on a
486DX2 box and XFree86 v. 3.3-4.
My question: has anyone else compiled gimp0.99.10 w. libc5 and how big
is gimp binary file?

P.S. I've checked gimp_0.99.10 in a debian format (for libc6) and binary
file is only about 720 kB...) 

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