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Re: Debian-Lite : The Project

Possibly the need for "Debian Lite" would be lessened with completion
of a friendly dselect or replacement for dselect, that would present
some reasonable options.  

My biggest worry is the multiplication of packages.  Perhaps it is an
inevitable situation with the kind  of distribution that Debian is,
but I am beginning to be intimidated by the fragmentation of packages
into this and that spin-off.  Like *-altdev, for example.  I still use
dpkg, cause I don't seem to jibe with the dselect mentality---I live
in fear of completely trashing my system, irrevocably, using dselect,
and any other software that makes those kinds of global decisions for
me.  I'm never sure when I have everything turned off.  

I also think that it may be useful to incorporate  new fields into the
info file for each package, indicating more information about
relationships to other packages than only "conflicts" and "requires".

Alan Davis

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