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Re: Libc6 Upgrade Howto?

Steve Phillips wrote:
> Is there a HOWTO on howto upgrade from 1.3.x to unstable with libc6?
> I'm the new maintainer for uudeview and now have a machine available to
> run as a developement machine.  I tried to upgrade to unstable with
> dselect, first upgrading dpkg, but just ran into a maze of dependicies
> that left my machine a mess.  I had to re-install 1.3.1 on it.
> Whats the trick to this?

Well, using the advice given in response to this inquiry, I was able to
get my system upgraded to unstable.  Here's what I went through to get
it done.  There are probably extra steps in here, but hey, it worked!

- use dselect to remove all *-dev packages
- download the following:
- install them:
        dpkg -i libc6*
        dpkg -i ldso*
        dpkg -i libreadline2*
        dpkg -i libreadline2g*
        dpkg -i ncurses3.4*
        dpkg --configure libreadline2g
        dpkg -i bash*
- run dselect and resolve dependency problems
- allow dselect to upgrade system
- dselect chokes on dependancies, so exit dselect
- edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc5.postinst and comment out the following 
  do_locale lines l:

#do_locale fr_BE ISO-8859-1
#do_locale gr_GR ISO-8859-7
#do_locale hr_HR ISO-8859-4
#do_locale iw_IL ISO-8859-8
#do_locale kl_GL ISO-8859-1
#do_locale nl_BE ISO-8859-1
#do_locale ro_RO ISO-8859-1
#do_locale ru_RU ISO-8859-5

- now you can configure some essential packages:

        dpkg --configure libc5
        dpkg --configure libgdbm1
        dpkg --configure perl

- OK, now you should be able to run dselect again and go through the
  install process without problems.

Steve Phillips                          Phone: (715) 830-1200 x109
Silicon Logic Engineering, LLP          FAX:   (715) 830-1887         
131 South Barstow Street, Suite 600     Email: steve@siliconlogic.com
Eau Claire, WI 54701                    WWW:   www.siliconlogic.com

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