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Re: dhpcd_0.5.16.1-2 - kernel 2.0.31?

: I wanted to upgrade my DHCP daemon to the latest upstream version
: that is already packaged in Hamm (dhpcd_0.5.16.1-2). However,
: the package says that it won't work with kernels <= 2.0.30 so
: it needs at least 2.0.31.

: How come this happens when 2.0.31 hasn't been released yet? Is it
: a missunderstanding on my part?

There was a promise made to release 2.0.31 soon a while back. The already
existing pre-patches to 2.0.31 provide functionality to make DHCP able to
use multiple interfaces.

Build your kernel using these patches and everything will work.

: I had to go back to dhpcd 0.5.14 because indeed it did not work at all
: with my 2.0.30 kernel.

Please use the stable version if you do not follow Linux Development Projects.
I will retract the newer release if there is no Linux 2.0.31 at the end of
our development cycle.

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