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Re: Is there an opposite to adduser?

On Thu, 1 May 1997, Dirk Herr-Hoyman wrote:

:At 01:44 PM 5/1/97 +0200, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
:>Oh but they are:
[ see thread ]
:>ii  passwd          961025-2       Change and administer password and
:group dat
[more stuff deleted]
:ii  passwd          1.0-5          Change password data.

I also get "1.0-5" when I do a "dpkg -l passwd".  I also don't have
shadow passwords.  I seem to recall a useradd function in the shadow
password package which I installed back in the Red Hat days.  Mike, is
it possible that you're running shadow passwords, hence the disparity?

I personally don't mind "adduser", although it's pretty hairy to figure
out what's going on since I'm not a perl wizard.  So far it's worked for
me.  I would like to get back to shadow passwords, though.


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