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I have a question.  I have downloaded some quake "scripts" that I
would like to use with the linux .  They work great under dos.  I have
unziped them into a directory called skarmod under the quake
directory.  On dos, I would type 'quake -game skarmod' to use them.  I
have tried 'squake -game skarmod' after makeing a link in
/var/lib/games/quake/ to /dosc/Games/quake/skarmod.  It didn't seem to

I am using the following packages:

quake-lib-stub  1.2        
squake          1.06-1     
xquake          1.06-1     

normal squake and xquake work fine.

----==-- _                     / /  \         
---==---(_)__  __ ____  __    / / /\ \	          - edwalter@iname.com
--==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   / /_/\ \ \         - walter@chem.wisc.edu   
-=====/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\  /______\ \ \  - edwalter@students.wisc.edu
   http://www.linux.org     \_________\/

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