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Re: HOw much space do I need to mirror stable and unstable ?

On Sun, 16 Mar 1997, Stan Brown wrote:

> HOw much space do I need to mirror stable and unstable ?

That's a tough question, only because Debian is on the edge of a
transition between stable releases.  Here's what I can tell you:

stable -> rex-fixed (you'll need the following three dirs I think)
	rex is 488M
	rex-fixed is 5M
	rex-updates is 116M

development -> unstable
unstable -> bo (soon to be frozen I think.)
	bo is 620M 

*future unstable* -> hamm
	hamm is 3K (nothing really there yet)

A full mirror of ftp.debian.org/debian is about 1.5GB (there's a lot of
other stuff on the site).

Pete Templin     templin@bucknell.edu   (717) 966-9656
Finger templin@templinux.bucknell.edu for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = BD 9D 90 1C 8D 6D CA 21  D7 0F 2D C6 29 93 A6 1E

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