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Volunteer for newbie question HTML archive maintenance

> Second, we need a person who edits all of the questions and answers into
> a web tree. The web tree should be orgnanized by package or something, 
> and then under the package name you see a big list of questions and click
> on them to see tha answers.

I'd like to volunteer to do this, as I was just thinking about this myself.
Sections 8-12 of the FAQ don't, can't, and really shouldn't go into that
level of detail -- nevertheless a resource needs to be available.

I would probably need an account on a Debian project machine, though, as I
only have about 100K of quota left on the machine I use that has a fast net

If there's a question as to my qualification to write HTML, I can offer my
existing webpage:


My homepage is still under construction (surprise), but the other page in a
state of completion.

 "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."  | G. Branden Robinson
                    -- Robert Heinlein                | branden@purdue.edu

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