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Re: Automount (amd) cdrom and floppy

>>>>> "Jonas" == Jonas Bofjall <job@abc.se> writes:

 Jonas> On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, Hayao Nakahara wrote:
 >> Yes you can. The followings are some of my /etc/adm/amd.xxx
 >> files. On such configuration, I can mount cdrom by accessing
 >> "/l/cd", mount floppy with ext2 format by "/l/fd" mount floopy
 >> with fat format by "/l/msdos". and explicitly umount cdrom by "amq
 >> -u /l/cd", and so forth.

 Jonas> What I and many other DOS -> Linux migrates wishes for, is a
 Jonas> driver with which I can remove my floppy at any time. This
 Jonas> would require that the floppy never is write cached. Once I
 Jonas> heard of a program called SuperMount which could do this, but
 Jonas> I never got it to work (it was old, and required kernel
 Jonas> patching). What I really don't understand is if your amd stuff
 Jonas> here is a solution to this problem or not?

No it isn't.  The best you can do here is set a time limit for how
long it'll stay mounted.  As soon as you (say your cdrom will mount on
/cdrom) change directory to /cdrom amd will mount it.  As soon as you
no longer are accessing /cdrom (cd ~) amd will start counting down.
After a specified amount of time it'll dismount it.  Problem is you
can't just take it out without checking that it has been unmounted, so
every time you go to take it out you have to do df or some such. :(

The problem with the kernel doing it is that it has to figure out what
kind of filesystem is on the zip disk, floppy, etc.  AND it has to
know where to mount it.

I suppose you could set amd to a very short period of time before it
umounts something.  I'm not sure what kind of problems this will
cause, but I suspect it isn't such a great idea.

Ideally (on my first thought on this) it would be nice to have some
user space program mounting things (but never unmounting them) so that
it can do the filesystem check based on a number of things rather than
coding it in the kernel.  The kernel should then sense when a user
requests a disk eject (of course this doesn't work on floppies since
it isn't a requested eject rather a forced eject (one nice thing about
Macs IMO)) and umounts the disk.

Of course this is much easier in the Dos/Win(3.1|95) world since you
don't encounter 10 different partition types. (more?)

If I'm missing some wonderful way to do this I'd love to know. :)


@James LewisMoss                 | moss@cs.sc.edu | Blessed Be!
@    http://www.cs.sc.edu/~moss  | dres@scsn.net  | Linux is cool!
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