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lprng problems

I'm surprised at the big push towards lprng because it seems just
as hard to configure, the documentation seems disorganised, etc.

I am trying to configure the following;

Server machine, debian 1.2, running normal lpr/lpd.
(It would be converted to lprng if I thought that would help.)

My workstation, debian bo-ish, running lprng. I want to print postscript
and normal text from my machine. server has a special print queue "ps"
which is available to me, which runs ghostscript etc as a filter.

However I want to run the filters locally, because my workstation
is a P166+ and the server is a 486-33 which takes ages to do the
conversions. LPR admits that local filters aren't supported, but
I thought one of lprng's advantages was support for this - but it's
not in the manual pages or in the /usr/doc/lprng documentation.

Using /usr/sbin/magicfilterconfig and some editing, I created
the following printcap;


However when I (as a user) run eg "atp test.c | lpr", I get
five pages of straight text, being the postscript, ie magicfilter
has not been run.

If I set ":lp=/tmp/outputfile" and "touch /tmp/outputfile", printing
anything fires up magic filter, which fires up ghostscript;
but nothing ever appears in the output file, and ghostscript is
just sitting around sleeping. I cannot imagine why this would be.

Similar things happened when I was using my own filter
(which just runs gs, assuming postscript); gs never saw any input

I really have no idea how to fix this. Really, local filters aren't
very hard with standard lpd; you just set up your queue to be filtered
to print to /dev/null, and get the filter to direct its output
to "|lpr -P<real printer>", where the real printer would send network
output. This isn't exactly documented, but it makes sense. I can't
say the same for lprng so far, and I can't even get this method to
work. Argh!

please help,


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