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Re: Sendmail redirects all *local* mail to domain MX ?????

At 10:47 PM 1/13/97 -0500, Pete Templin wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Jan 1997, Perry Piplani wrote:
>> I just installed debian in one of my boxes (from slakware) and noticed a
>> problem. All local mail on the system and all mail from outside address to
>> user@thishost.mydom.com is being re-addressed by sendmail to the main MX for
>> may domain.  
>> I want mail specifically addressed to user@thishost.mydom.com to be
>> delivered to thishost.mydom.com *not* mxhost.mydom.com. That's how it worked
>> on slackware.
>A guess, and let me reiterate that it is just a guess, would be that
>sendmail on the local machine has one (or both) of these configuration
Well, it appears to be fixed now. I uninstalled & reinstalled sendmail and
serveral packages (removing some left over files in between)

>1) It has been set up to forward all mail to a mailhub (Null client).

That was my first guess. 

>2) It doesn't recognize thishost as its host name.

And this my second.
>For #1, look for options in the sendmail.cf such as:
>DS (smart relay host)  -or-
>DH (hub host) (to which all mail is sent) -or-
>DH (who gets all local email traffic).

None of the above. In fact, I have another box that is a dual boots
win95/debian that runs sendmail when in debian and works fine. When I copied
the sendmail.cf from that machine it still happened. That points to your
guess # 2...

>For #2, double check that /etc/hostname is the same as a reverse DNS lokup
>on the IP address of the machine.  

But it was resolving correctly.

>I'm a bit surprised that mx.mydom.com accepts your mail, as
>/etc/mail/sendmail.cw (in the debian implementation, was formerly in
>sendmail.cf as CW) must contain thishost.mydom.com.  Unless of course that
>you are sending to user@mydom.com and wanting it to be delivered locally,
>in which case you need to add mydom.com to the /etc/mail/sendmail.cw.

It was removing "thishost" from the address, which points back to guess #1.

>Let me know if any of this makes sense, let alone fixes the problem.
Yes it does, but it seems only uninstalling & reintalling a few packages worked.

Perhaps it was a sendmail larva....



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