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Re: What is the best window manager?

> Hello, all!
> I like to know more about the window managers. There are
> many ones, and I think that a good thing would be a list
> of main resources, memory uses and so on about all of
> them.
> I'm now using FVWM2, but I don't know if it's the best
> for my needs. And learning all of the window managers
> to select one is (IMHO) a waste of time.

well, fvwm95 is basically the same as fvwm2, just a different
look. If you want a really extentable one, gwm is the way
to go (but I don't speak elisp, so I don't really know).

Personally, I'd just stick with fvwm2

> One more thing: what's the "menu" package that some
> persons are talking about?

That's the package that tries to take away part of the
need to learn the window-manager your're using (the part
of making the menus). The menuentries will be added/removed
when the packages that provide the apps are installed/removed.

Wait till tonight/tomorrow, install menu-0.10 (menu-0.9 is OK
too, but the README is old, and doens't have any man [1] pages)

Unfortunatly, at the moment most debian window-managers don't
support the menupackage directly, though. If you want support for
your window manager, read /usr/doc/menu/examples/README, and copy
the appropriate files to /etc/menu-methods/, to ge the menu-entries
in your window manager (olvwm (debian rev 2) is the only wm
that at the moment supports the menus directly; pdmenu (a text-based
menu system) also supports it).

menu-0.10 will be available on master's incomming, but if you
don't have access to that, check
(that's where it will appear first, and be removed shortly after
it's moved to the main distribution).

[1] manual files in menu-0.10 by Joey Hess -- Thanks!

joost witteveen
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