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Re: Linuxconf

On Fri, 10 Jan 1997, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Shaya Potter wrote:
> > Some people are against using linuxconf, personally I'm for it, but I 
> > don't have enough time to try to build the tools neccesart for it b/c 
> the biggest problem with linuxconf is that it replaces sysvinit.
> Linuxconf has some really nice features and seems like a comprehensive
> configuration system BUT even if it was 10 times as good it still
> wouldnt be worth losing sysvinit.

What I was proposing on debian-devel would mean you can have both.  The 
linuxconf dropins would point toward the /etc/init.d scripts and when 
each package configures itself just like it calls update-rc.d now it 
could call a "configure" program.  The configure program would be 
installed by which ever package you use (sysv init, linuxconf or any 
future tool).  the "configure" program would then finish configureing the 
package, making the appropriate links into the rc symlink tree or making 
the dropins on the fly for linuxconf or do whatever any future tool needs 
to be done.  

This would mesh well with the database scheme we might be moving towards 
b/c all the "configure" program would have to do, would be to use data 
that the package would put in the database.

Shaya Potter

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