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Re: Colour inkjet printers

Kevin Scott wrote:
> I am currently considering the purchase of a colour inkjet printer,
> for text and graphics printing (including images from Photo-CD). I
> would be interested in experiences people have had in using them with
> Debian - the models I am currently interested in are the Epson Stylus
> 500 and Stylus Pro and the HP 820CXi and 870CXi. I presume the main
> issue is how well Ghostscript manages to drive the printers, and whether
> all the driver options can be accessed without running under Windows.
> Thanks for any comments,
> Kevin
> Dr Kevin Scott
> Cordless Communications Group
> Philips Research Laboratories            Tel: +44 1293 815281
> Cross Oak Lane, Redhill                  Fax: +44 1293 815000
> Surrey  RH1 5HA, UK                   E-mail: scottkj@prl.research.philips.com

I can't say that I've used the printers you've referenced there, but
as far as printer "features" go, if you're not talking about 
resolution or colors, there aren't many "features" that will affect
how ghostscript can use the printer because ghostscript generates
a bitmap image which is sent to the printer. Can you be a little more
specific about "driver options"?

ps. Alright, I lied a little. Ghostscript can be set up to use
resident fonts but unless they're already in the driver for your
printer, you're goint to have to get the source and hack it in yourself
(and I'm assuming you're not too interested in messing with the
Ghostscript code).

Jens B. Jorgensen

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