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Re: How much space does a Debian mirror take?


  I was once want to mirror the debian as well but I was told that
  I need to have a very high speed connection to the ISP.  Currently
  I can have upto 28.8 via modem from my house.  I'd like to know
  how do I go about getting a high speed connection, the cost of
  all this and process of setting up a mirror.  (I have plenty of
  harddrive space 10G in total).

  Please advise and be descriptive because I'm quite novice in
  this.  Many THANKS!

Guy Maor wrote:
:Without Incoming and WebPages, 1018149 Kbytes for the whole thing.

         --------------------  Timothy C. Phan (tphan@asl.dl.nec.com)
      --------------------                      NEC America, Inc. ASL
   --------------------         1525 Walnut Hill Ln. Irving, TX 75038
--------------------          tel: (214)-518-3437 fax: (214)-518-3499

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