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Re: Dot-matrix printers

"Alexander Gieg" <agieg@brworld.com.br> writes:

> So, again, how can I make my printer work? It's connected. It's
> online. It's working in Windows. It's working in DOS. I've the
> packages installed. So? :-)

Short answer: RTFM. (Sorry, I could not control myself)

Real answer: the answer depends on your configuration and you MUST do some

A good manual to read is HOWTO-PRINTING or something like that.

I used to use apsfilter + ghostscript and it used to work very fine with my
24 dots Epson printer. Now I changed my config and lost that configuration.

Some non-complete hints:

1) Verify which port your printer is attached to:
   ( for parallel printers: )
   ls > /dev/lp0    
   ls > /dev/lp1    
   ls > /dev/lp2

Some of these tests SHOULD work.  Suppose /dev/lp1 is the answer. 

2) install ghostscript and READ the documentation. (in particular about the
   device that is supposed to manage your printer.

   get a postscript file and test the device you suppose should work:
   generate an output file for your device and

   cat OUTPUT-FROM-GS > /dev/lp1

3) install apsfilter and READ the documentation.

4) configure apsfilter for your port and the right device for your printer.
   It edits the printcap for you.
5) certify that lpd is installed and
   running (in the booting time it was usually started)

Alair Pereira do Lago  <alair@ime.usp.br> <http://www.ime.usp.br/~alair>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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