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debian updates tree structure

i was looking through the debian mirror on caldera and noticed the 1.2.1
tree.  i have already downloaded an exact copy of the 1.2 tree (both the
binary-all and binary-i386 parts) but have held off changing over to
debian from redhat because of some of the posts to this list. 

i want to wait until things become more stable.

armed with the latest `problems list' that someone posted and the release
of some updates i think i am ready to take the plunge.

i then went back to caldera to grab the 1.2.1 release thinking that it
would be mostly links back to the 1.2 release (other than the updated

however, all i got was a bunch of links.

here's how i have my tree setup:

|-- Debian-1.2 -> rex
|-- bo
|-- contrib
|-- disks
|-- doc
|-- kernel
|-- lost+found
|-- misc
|-- non-free
|-- rex
|   |-- binary-all
|   |   |-- admin
|   |   |-- comm
|   |   |-- devel
|   |   |-- doc
|   |   |-- editors
|   |   |-- games
|   |   |-- graphics
|   |   |-- mail
|   |   |-- misc
|   |   |-- net
|   |   |-- news
|   |   |-- shells
|   |   |-- text
|   |   `-- x11
|   `-- binary-i386
|       |-- admin
|       |-- comm
|       |-- devel
|       |-- doc
|       |-- editors
|       |-- games
|       |-- graphics
|       |-- mail
|       |-- misc
|       |-- net
|       |-- news
|       |-- shells
|       |-- text
|       `-- x11
|-- tex
|   `-- tetex
|       `-- rpms
`-- unstable -> bo/

47 directories
i downloaded everything under `rex-fixed' aka Debian-1.2.1 and ended up
with a bunch of symlinks.

i am using ncftp to grab these.

what am i doing wrong?  (besides not ordering a cd)

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