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I mentioned to someone a while back that KBackup was a very nice program
that I used to use when the system was using Slackware but a Debian
package of it did not seem to be available. After doing some looking
around, I see that it is Shareware and that might account for its
absence from Debian.

After looking at Karsten's home page, however, I noted that he is
willing to put it under GPL if he can find a good maintainer for the
program. (see http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Karsten.Ballueder/news )

I do not have the resources to maintain this program but I would like to
mention it here so that possibly someone that does will have a look at
it and possibly "debianize" the thing. It is a VERY nice backup program
(requires expect as I recall). Does seem to have a small problem with
multi-volume zip drive backups but it always worked fine with me with
floppies. It also supports tape devices. What I like about it is that
unlike tar.gz, an error does not cause you to loose the whole archive. A
patch is in the works for the zip drive problem.

The user interface was very nice, as I recall, and easy to operate.

George Bonser
grep@oriole.sbay.org, grep@cris.com

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