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lpr to ethernet printer / apsfilter


When using apsfilter for printing to an ethernet printer the
input filter 'if=..apsfilter...' is _not_ run. This has to do with the
fact that normally the printer spooler does the filtering. But if I
mention the printer itself in the printcap file, like


, the printer is introduced as if it was a computer, a printer server. So,
the filter isn't run.

Now:    Someone said here, that one could use two entries in the printcap,
        so, that one printer filters, and prints it to the other one.

I tried this:

lp|lp2|PS_600dpi-a4-auto-mono|PS_600dpi auto mono:\

raw|lp3|PS_600dpi-a4-raw|PS_600dpi auto raw:\

but this produces an error:

$ lpr embassy
lpr: connect: No such file or directory
jobs queued, but cannot start daemon.
$ ps -ax | grep lpd
 4117  ?  S      0:00 /usr/sbin/lpd
 4373   1 S      0:00 grep lpd
$ lpq
waiting for queue to be enabled on localhost
Rank   Owner      Job  Files                                 Total Size
1st    godot      7    embassy                               649 bytes

Or, the same question simple and easy: how can I print textfiles on a
postscript-only printer with lpr (avoiding a2ps and such) ?

Any help is appreciated.

Lukas Eppler (godot)

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