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Matrox Millenium II vs. #9 Revolution 3D


I am about to get a new P II system and had to decide on many
alterantives available. My current concern is what video card
would suit me the best. I have no doubt that I would go with AGP one
(even not for the sake of performance, but to save PCI slot :)
and my current choice is between Matrox Millenium II AGP and
Number Nine Revolution 3D AGP. Matrox seems to be the fastest under
X (and free driver is already available from S.u.S.E.), Revolution 3D
is faster under Windows. I do not intend to use Windows a lot, so
the best bet would be Matrox, but I heard the opinion that in spite of
the fact that it is the fastest, it's image quality is substantially 
worse than that of Number Nine cards. Could anyone confirm this?

And another thing, assuming I would have to use Accelerated X server
with my card, what are the cons of the fact that server is libc5
compiled and my system will be libc6-based (of course, I would have to
install libc5 runtime libraries also).

I would greatly appreciate any input.

Thanks a lot.

Alex Y.
 _( )_
(     (o___           +-------------------------------------------+
 |      _ 7           |            Alexander Yukhimets            |
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