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DPT PM2044W problems...


On one machine we have a DPT PM2044W PCI Wide SCSI-Adapter with a RC4040
RAID/Caching module. There are five 2G IBM DCAS-32160W-drives connected to
the adapter and RAIDed as one 8G RAID5-array. The operating system on that
machine is Debian GNU/Linux, running Linux kernel version 2.0.33 with the
newest patches (2.0.31) obtained from "The EATA homepage". The Debian
version on the machine is hamm.

However, it doesn't work correctly. Under low load it works just perfect,
but when I start doing something that uses disks a lot -- i.e. running
a benchmark called Bonnie -- I start getting these messages from the

- - -
scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 17596, scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun
0 Write (6) 19 32 98 f8 00
eata_abort called pid: 17596 target: 0 lun: 0 reason 3
- - -

Does anyone know, what could be wrong with my setup or something, and how
to fix it, and where to look for problems?

Best regards and Merry Christmas,


Mika Marjamäki                     Unikko-Soft Oy
Email: Mika.Marjamaki@Unikko.FI    <URL: http://www.unikko.fi/>
Mobile: +358-40-5649948            Tel. Switch: +358-6-2119111
Tel: +358-6-2119228                Fax: +358-6-2119261

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