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Re: NFS on Linux 1.3

"Sergio Simizu" <ssimizu@atm.com.br> writes:

> 	We acquired the boot magazine # 15 - 11/97 - and after a successfully
> instalation of Linux 1.3 we are trying to map a driver letter for a PC with
> Windows 95 and NFS client to reach the file system on Linux server.
> 	Is it possible to do with the base installation of Linux or should I have
> another kind of product installed ?

The netstd package includes the NFS server you'll need.  You need to
edit /etc/exports to add the definitions of the files you want to
export; see `man exports'.  As an example, I have:

/cdrom          (ro,insecure,all_squash)

on my home network here.  In your case, you might need to uncomment
the PC-NFS server in /etc/init.d/netstd_nfs, but I'm not familiar with
the NFS clients available for PC's.  Run "/etc/init.d/netstd_nfs start"
after adding the file systems to /etc/exports and you should be up and
running.  You might also need to edit /etc/hosts.allow.

Another solution would be to use Samba.  You should make sure you have
the latest version (off a Debian mirror if it wasn't on the CD -
1.9.17p2 I think), because the older versions have a security hole.
This lets you use the "Microsoft Networking Client" to access files
and printers on the Linux server via the Notwork Neighbourhood.

    Carey Evans  <*>  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/  gc

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