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Re: ifconfig alias option

In article <[🔎] 9712181525.AA26934@sun10.sep.bnl.gov.sep>,
Tim Sailer <sailer@sun10.sep.bnl.gov> wrote:
>First, you have to compile your kernel with ip aliasing in it. Reboot
>with your shiny new kernel.
>Then run something like this:
>/sbin/ifconfig eth0:1 yourdomain.com
>/sbin/route add -host yourdomain.com dev eth0:1
>PS: I'll be adding this to my ISP page, along with ip_accounting for
>the virtual interfaces.

I read that it's just a little bit faster and cleaner to do

/sbin/route add -host yourdomain.com dev lo
You might want to look into that.

 Miquel van Smoorenburg |  Studying to be a technomage   <*>
    miquels@cistron.nl  | "May you live in interesting times"

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