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staroffice 4.0b2 working, sort of

This version was *a lot* easier to install.  download it, move it to a user 
directory, untar it (for some silly reason, it's jsut a tar rather than .tgz), 
and it creates a directory.  Then run the setup in this directory, but from 
your home directory, and it creates an Office40 directory.  then just 
~/Office40/bin/soffice, and you're off & running.

But it's as annoying as microsoft stuff to use.  Only one main window, and 
everything else opens within this.  ugh.  You can't see the help pages (pain 
in the *** to access/maneuver) and your document at the same time unless you 
launch a second instance.  subwindows are limited to the boundries of the 
original.  any attempt to search causes a segfault--but it does create correct 
rescue files.

A lot more hassle than lyx, but i need formletters for the job hunt. It's this 
or the 25mhz mac with a printer that no longer feeds properly.

 And it apparently trades files with msoft just fine.  It kept all formattting 
information from a mac word 5.0 file saved as rtf.

Now if someone who understands such things would make an installer . . . :)  I 
tried installing it as root in a couple of places, but it doesn't work right; 
it crashes when it doesn't find some files.  But I'm the only one using this 
machine, so it will work for a while . . .


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