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no fsck after new install of hamm

I got irritated enough at the assorted problems from my dirty, inherited 
installation to wipe the disk and do a clean install.

Installing hamm with X and a few more packages required about 10 (at least) 
passess through install/configure in deselect, and even so, i had to manually 
install perl with dpkg.

anyway, I now get a boot message that fsck is not found.  and sure enough, 
/bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin don't have an fsck or e2fsck.

I've had to edit /etc/init.d/chkfs and chkroot to remove the fsck's to get 
booted.  Now how do I fix this?

Oh, and lilo didn't install properly, either.  it wanted to use /dev/hda3 
rather than /dev/hda as the root device, and when booting it came up as LIL- 
and hung.  editing /etc/liloconfig solved it, though.


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