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fdformat problem

I don't know if this has ever been discussed but I ran into a little problem wit
h fdformat and thought I would share my solution just in case others have the sa
me problem.

I'm one of these people who have 1000s of junk 1.44 floppies laying around that 
I usually end up formatting and re-using them. When I used the fdformat command 
to format them, it would format and then execute an mformat verify. If I tried t
o format another disk immediately after it completed, I got "No Device" errors 
and no other format could be done. I found that if the floppy device is mounted 
and then unmounted, it corrects the problem. Mounting and unmounting every flopp
y before formatting it can become quite tedious so I made a bash command script 
and placed it in my /usr/local/bin directory and called it floppyformat. I have 
not had a problem since. Below is a copy of the commands I used in floppyformat 
for the newbies out there in Linux land:

# /usr/local/bin/floppyformat
# must be root to execute unless you have mount capabilities for your users
mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy
umount /floppy
fdformat /dev/fd0

I have received so much help from this group I thought I should start giving bac
k to it. Hope this helps others out.

Also, if someone out there could explain to me the reasons why this operation wo
rks, please let me know so I can add it to my log book. I tripped across it acci
dentally and would like to know the mechanics behind the solution.


E-Mail: Keith Holler <azcappy@psychobabble.dyn.ml.org> ICQ: #5386440
Date: 12-Dec-97
Time: 23:04:18
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/____/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\              G N U   g e n e r a t i o n . . .

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