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Debian 1.3 ignores more than 2 "groups".


I have a fresh Debian 1.3 minimal installation, just the base packages and
two or three more. As root I do

# addgroup user-name dialout
--> user user-name added to group dialout
# addgroup user-name dip
--> user user-name added to group dip

After this, /etc/group is ok, with user-name added where appropriate.
However, when user-name logs in and types "groups" he gets,

$ groups
user-name dialout

Where is dip? In fact, I tested by adding user-name to more groups but to
my surprise "groups" always returns the same two groups!

I want user-name to have access to some utilities and I want to control
this by adding him to several groups. But this doesn't work. Not only
the "groups" command doesn't see the extra groups, but user-name is
refused access to the utilities he is suppose to have access to. Any
ideas? Can anybody try this out to see what you get?

Thank you,

P. Sanchez

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